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Omny Studio glossary

Some definitions and key terms for Omny Studio users.

Sharon Taylor avatar
Written by Sharon Taylor
Updated over a week ago


An Omny Studio account that's controlled by a user/account owner, that lets them manage their own content which is separated from other organizations.


A network is a group of programs.


A program is used to house a show or series. For example "Andrew's Podcast".


A playlist lives within a program and each playlist has an RSS feed for publishing to podcast apps and a playlist embed widget for publishing on a website.

A program can have multiple playlists housed within and this gives publishers the flexibility to create curated selections of content as separate playlists for listeners. A common example is to create a 'best of' feed which is published in conjunction with the full show feed.

Multiple playlists are optional and are only intended to be for creating curated selections of content from the same show/series.


Clips represent audio that may be published for listeners to consume. Clips include short “best bits” of content, podcast episodes and other produced pieces of audio. Clips also include a suitable title, description and artwork and are what listeners get to see and hear.

Clips can also meet all of these requirements, but be flagged as private or unlisted as a means to only share the clip to a selective audience.


Recordings are audio captured from a radio station’s mixing panel or live stream. They can also be uploaded via the Omny Studio mobile app.

Recordings are usually not published directly to listeners, as they may not contain the most suitable audio segment (for example, a top and tail of other segments may exist in the same recording) and may require further editing to be professional clips.

Users have the ability to convert a recording into a clip using the Cut Editor tool, allowing them to trim in/out content, such as turning a longer raw recording into a shorter promotional clip that may be published.

RSS feed

Your RSS feed is essentially a text file that contains all of the details of your podcast. It's what podcast distributors like iTunes use to update your podcast listing. Every time you publish a new episode, it will get updated in your RSS feed. Omny Studio does this automatically using our Playlist function.

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