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Scheduling a program to record

Once you've set up the recording agent you're ready to start scheduling

Sharon Taylor avatar
Written by Sharon Taylor
Updated over a week ago

Note: This guide details the step after setting up a Live Recording Agent. If your Recording Agent is not yet online please follow this guide first.

If your agent is already online, let's get scheduling:

Live recording schedules

A single live recording agent can be assigned to one or more programs across different times of the day.

To add or update the on-air schedule for a program’s live recording agent:

1. Go to the program you wish to configure and click “Settings” in the sidebar

2. Click on the Live recording tab

3. Select the appropriate Recording Agent from the drop-down

4. Tick the desired days and set the start and end time of the show.

Note: the live recording agent’s time zone is displayed on the screen above. The schedule’s time must be entered in the same time zone. To configure this head to

If the schedule changes by day, click on “Add additional schedules” to add alternate days and times.

5. Click “Save changes” when you’re done.

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