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Triton 'record' cuepoint override

Configuring your Recording Agent when using a Triton livestream.

Sharon Taylor avatar
Written by Sharon Taylor
Updated over a week ago

The Omny Studio live stream recording agent can use the metadata cues in your Triton live stream to control which parts of your broadcasts are recorded into your portal.ย 

Most commonly, Omny Studio customers would like record the talk breaks without the music or ads. This way, you're left with a digital archive of your shows ready to be re-published. By doing this, you can also take advantage of Omny Studio's automatic podcasting functionality.

This help article provides some guidance on how to implement Triton's record start/stop cue-points in order to achieve clean recording segmentation into your Omny Studio portal.

Cue-point specification options

There are two specifications to choose from in how to send start and stop commands to the Omny Recording Agent depending on your playout station setup.

Version 1 of the specification is the most flexible, allowing you to choose the title and break types for your recordings through metadata, but may be more difficult for you to implement using your playout system.

Version 2 is a simpler system that responds to start and stop events only, but is easier to implement.

Version 1

Required Attributes

The cue-point type must be "record", with the following attributes being supported

  • record_action, controls if the recording agent should start or stop recording the audio stream. The only valid values are "start" or "stop", this attribute is required

Optional Attributes

  • record_title, the name this recording should be given in the portal. This attribute is optional, when not provided the recording title will be "{program name} - {time}"

  • record_description, the description this recording should be given in the portal. This attribute is optional, when not provided this will be empty.

  • record_category, maps to the break type this recording should be given in the portal. This attribute is optional, when not provided the break type will default to "Talk"

Version 2

Required Attributes

The cue-point type may be any type (eg "track", "ad", "sweeper", "record", ...) that is easy for you to use.

You must then set the cue_title attribute to either be "record_start" or "record_stop" to indicate recording should start or stop, respectively.

Optional Attributes

It is not possible to customize the recording metadata with this specification

High-level Implementation Example

For troubleshooting and advice on configuring your live stream metadata, please contact Triton support at

The general idea is that you will indicate (via your stream's metadata) when you would like Omny Studio to start recording and when you would like that recording to stop. This example uses Version 1 of the metadata specification.

To achieve clean segmentation for your talk breaks, you can follow these general steps:

1) Create a piece of audio that is 0.5 seconds of silence.

2) Import into your playout system as two different carts/assets.

3) Designate one of the carts/assets as the record_action "start" metadata event and the other as the record_action "stop" event

4) Schedule the "start" event before a scheduled talk break and the "stop" event at the end (i.e. just before the song or ad-break which comes after the talkbreak)

5) Add this format to your scheduling templates.

6) Once you have verified that your stream is emitting these events correctly, you're ready to create your agent.

Activating cue-point override setting

When creating your Triton live stream recording agent, you can enable the recording cue-point override by checking the box below during creation.

For troubleshooting and advice on configuring your live stream metadata, please contact Triton support at

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