If you have a program that's no longer in production, and want to clear up some space on your organisation's program list, just follow the steps below.
Now this trial organisation isn't full of programs like some accounts, but we're going to hide, and unhide, one of these programs. To hide a program your user account will need 'manage program settings' permission for the particular program, or 'manage organization settings' if they're an organization-level user.
1. Go to program settings of the program you want to hide, in this case the program 'Up Close and Personal'.
2. At the bottom of the program settings page, above 'delete program', you'll find the 'hide program' option.
3. Select Hide program. The program will now be hidden in the program list.
4. It will be hidden in the program switcher.
5. You can view hidden programs by ticking the 'show hidden programs' box below the search bar, which will show the programs you've hidden. We can see below two hidden programs, Up Close and Personal, and a previously hidden program, Cinegarage.
6. You can 'unhide' a program any time by reversing the steps above. Going to program settings and selecting 'unhide program'.