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Webhook events

The different types of webhook events supported by Omny Studio

Samuel Tambunan avatar
Written by Samuel Tambunan
Updated over a week ago

Omny Studio provides a way to subscribe to webhook notifications to get notified about events within an Omny Studio organization. Setting up the webhook subscription and can be found on this article.

Omny Studio has many different types of webhook events. You can find a list of supported events by selecting the Send specific events option.

Event Types

Omny Studio groups events into three different types of categories; Program, Clip, and Playlist.

Within each category, we have further separated the events into different types; Created, Updated, Deleted, and ClipVisiblityChanged, which is a special event type we've added to allow you to receive published clip notifications.

So let's dive further into the event types and see what type of information they provide.


  • ProgramCreated - We send out this notification when a user creates a new program.

  • ProgramUpdated - You'll be able to use this event to receive notification when a program's details has been updated. For example, when the description of the program changes, we will send out this notification to inform you that an update of the program has been done.

  • ProgramDeleted - You'll be able to use this event to receive notifications when a program has been deleted. This can be useful if you want to create alerts when a program has been deleted.


  • ClipCreated - We send out this notification when a user creates a new clip.

  • ClipUpdated - You'll be able to use this event notification to know when a property changes in the clip. For example, if the description or title of the clip changes, we'll send out this event notification out to you.

  • ClipDeleted - We send out this event when a clip has been deleted. You can use this event to then create alerts and log timestamps when a clip has been deleted.

  • ClipVisibilityChanged - This is a special type of event that we created to help you receive a specific notification when a clip has been published. We've created a separate article on this event and you'll be able to find more information on it here.


  • PlaylistCreated - We send out this notification when a user creates a new playlist. If you want to receive a notification when a playlist is created, you can subscribe to this event.

  • PlaylistUpdated - So you've created a playlist and afterwards want to know when someone's changed the description, slug, or properties of the playlist? You'll be able to use this event to get notification when a playlist has been updated.

  • PlaylistDeleted - Similar to the other two categories, we've created this event type to provide you notification when a playlist has been deleted.


PlaylistItem is the "linking" entity that represents a clip that is in a Playlist. For instance, the entries that you see on the Playlist Clips page are all a PlaylistItem entry.

  • PlaylistItemCreated - Sent when a clip is added to a Playlist

  • PlaylisteItemUpdated - Sent when a PlaylistItem is updated. At the moment this is only relevant for the Visibility parameter, for instance by changing the Visibility of a clip from Private to Public

  • PlaylistItemDeleted - Sent when a clip is removed from a playlist.

Please contact support at if you have any further questions.

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