Show notes can be added to your episodes via the description field in Omny, found on the Details page of any clip (episode).
The two major podcast apps broken down below (Apple Podcasts and Spotify) support:
Embedded links.
Automatically turns raw URLs into clickable links.
The description field of Omny Studio (when the Summary field is not populated, specifically for Apple Podcasts)
Outside of these shared points, there are differences between each of these apps.
Omny supports you adding these show notes with formatting options like bold and italic, bullet points or number points, line breaks and quotes, as above.
However, not all podcast apps support all formatting options. Please see a breakdown below of what formatting options each major podcast app supports.
Apple Podcasts
Apple Podcasts changed the way it displayed episode notes in iOS 14.6. Older versions may be behave differently than as described below.
Apple Podcasts iOS 14.6:
(from Optional episode metadata > Summary) if it exists, rather thandescription
. If you removeitunes:summary
from your RSS, it displays thedescription
(from Description field in Omny).HTML support: Does not support bold/italic. Does support
bullet points, and<a href
links (embedded links).Automatically turns raw URLs into clickable links.
Does not supports non-HTML line breaks.
This app supports a limit 4,000 characters in the Description field.
Spotify (cross platform app)
Only displays the
(from Description field in Omny).Does not support bold/italic.
Does not support bullet points.
Does support embed links.
Automatically turns raw URLs into clickable links.
Spotify does support non-HTML line breaks.