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Frequently asked questions
A regularly updated list of the most commonly asked questions by Omny Studio customers.
Spotify download spikes
Accepting an Omny Studio invite
Omny Studio listener privacy link
Set Copyright field on an RSS feed
Add your website to your podcast RSS feed
Update your podcast's contact name and email address
How to update your billing settings
How do I contact podcast apps?
Where is my RSS feed?
Can I replace audio in Omny Studio?
I'm having trouble accessing a show...
I've forgotten my password...
How should I format show notes?
How do I change my show art?
Why aren't all my podcast episodes showing in podcast apps?
How long does it take for my new episode to appear on Apple Podcasts and other podcast apps?
Why isn’t a clip I've made public appearing in podcast apps or playlist player?
Why can't I share my clip?
How do I keep an episode private until I'm ready to share it?
On-premises installation FAQs
Transferring ownership of a podcast in Apple's Podcast Connect