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Compare clip consumption

Track the average time spent listening, total time spent listening and more across a program, network or organization

Sharon Taylor avatar
Written by Sharon Taylor
Updated over a week ago

Accessing Clip Consumption Comparison

Omny Studio's consumption analytics feature allows publishers to gain an insight into how their listeners are consuming and interacting with their audio content on supported players at an aggregate level.

How to compare clip consumption

From Program, Network, or Organization analytics pages click 'Compare clip consumption' button as seen here:

Clip publish date

Select a date range, all clips published (set to public or unlisted) inside this range will be added to the query.

Clip duration

  • Any - no clips will be filtered out

  • Short - clips over 15 minutes will be filtered

  • Medium - clips between 15 minutes and 60 minutes will be filtered

  • Long - clips over 60 minutes will be filtered

Reading the data

  • Published clips: The total number of clips which have a publish date within the selected filters

  • Total verified plays: Verified plays are tracked listening sessions on supported players with at least 60 seconds of playback.

  • Total time spent listening: A sum of the amount of time spent listening across all listen sessions. Multiple plays of the same portion of the clip are only counted once.

  • Average time spent listening: The average amount of time spent listening across all verified plays. Multiple plays of the same portion of the clip are only counted once.

  • Minimum clip completion: The lowest average completion rate of a clip, from within the filtered clips

  • Average clip completion: The average completion rate across filtered clips

  • Maximum clip completion: The highest average completion rate of a clip, from within the filtered clips

  • Completed 25% of clip: The average percentage of verified plays that listened to at least 25% across filtered clips

  • Completed 50% of clip: The average percentage of verified plays that listened to at least 50% across filtered clips

  • Completed 75% of clip: The average percentage of verified plays that listened to at least 75% across filtered clips

  • Completed 100% of clip: The average percentage of verified plays that listened to at least 99% across filtered clips

Management API

All of this information is also retrievable via the management API at a program, network or organization-level.

Consumption source

By default, consumption analytics will be populated with data from embed and players. You can also add other custom sources with Omny Studio's consumption analytics API.

Use this dropdown menu to view data from individual sources.

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