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View audit events

Track what has been created, updated and deleted in your organization

Sharon Taylor avatar
Written by Sharon Taylor
Updated over a week ago

Omny Studio's audit events feature allows users with 'view audit events' permissions to view audit events to understand which users have created, updated or deleted different 'objects'. Tracked objects include clips, playlists, programs, networks and organizations, as well changes made to some settings and user-permissions.

This means that you can track who changed the title of a clip, who deleted a playlist, or who invited a new user to your network for example.

Please note: the audit system tracks events for the past 90 days.

View audit events user-access

In order to view your organization, network or program-level audit events, you need 'view audit events' permissions for your user. You can read more about the required user-access at the organization, network and program-level in our user-management help section here.

Using the Audit events system - Organization

Once you have access, you can access your whole organization's audit events at

From this screen, you can filter your audit events in four ways:

Object type:

Select an object type from the dropdown. Object types include clips, playlists, users, programs, networks and more.

Object ID:

You can search for an object directly if you know the object ID.

For example, if you're searching for a specific clip, you can get the object ID from the clip details screen here at the bottom under 'additional information':

Event Type:

Select from create, update or delete to filter your results further

Using the Audit events system - Object-level

You can also view audit events at the object level. All you need to do is click the 'view audit events' button which is found at the bottom of the details screen for clips and playlists or under 'settings' for programs and networks.

Clicking 'view audit events' will open a modal where you can review the events for that object:

Anything that has changed since the last update event will be highlighted with red indicating what the previous value was and green indicating what it was changed to.

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