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Download analytics

The complete breakdown of how to track your download stats in Omny Studio.

Sharon Taylor avatar
Written by Sharon Taylor
Updated over a week ago

Omny Studio is a powerful, multi-functional platform and we track analytics on four levels: organization-wide, network-wide, program-wide and finally per clip.

1) The organization-wide analytics are for users that have multiple shows, for example, a large podcast network or radio station. This level of analytics shows stats across every episode of every show. 

2) Network analytics offer the same metrics as an organization view, of the particular programs added to that network. Learn more about adding programs to networks here.

3) Program-wide analytics will show you stats for every piece of audio that’s inside the selected program. This is the view to get downloads by playlist. Playlist analytics is no longer broken out into its own view - learn more about the intended use of playlists here.

4) Clip analytics will show you - you guessed it - the stats for that clip.

You can change the date range for your analytics by selecting dates manually or selecting pre-set date ranges. (Note: analytics are always displayed in your local timezone. There may be some discrepancies for a date range crossing a daylight savings change).

Each analytics section of Omny Studio is laid out in the same basic format. Here is a breakdown of what each part means. 

Clip downloads: the total number of downloads for every piece of audio in the selected area (organization, program, playlist or single clip).

Estimated uniques listeners: an estimated number of unique users who downloaded for the selected time period (up to a maximum of 31 days). This is an IAB metric which measures unique user agent and IP address combinations. Learn more here.

Most downloaded (not available in clip analytics): a list of all the audio at the level of the organization, network, or program you are viewing analytics for showing the download number for each clip. By default this list is arranged from highest to lowest, but you can change it to lowest to highest by clicking the arrow next to “Downloads”. 

Playback destinations: How the clip was listened to. The most common methods are through the podcast feed and an embedded website widget.


  • Under the Sources tab, 'Direct MP3' includes any download that we were not able to categorize. These downloads usually come from custom apps or embeds that use Omny Studio's APIs to fetch the audio download URL.

  • Under the Embed Sites tab, 'N/A' includes all websites which we were not able to identify, whether due to browser or site security/privacy reasons.

Apps: Which apps or directories have been used to listen to your content. This is particularly useful to know because you can organize your content based on what the most popular platforms are among your listeners. For example, if you’re planning on building a mobile app for your network, you’ll be able to see what percentage of your listeners use Android or iOS.

Platforms: Which operating systems were used.

Devices: What specific devices listeners are using. Listener data such as this is particularly useful when approaching advertisers or sponsors for your podcast.

Device type: What kind of devices were used, for example, mobile, desktop or smart speakers.

Geography: Where in the world people have listened to your content, displayed by country in order of highest to lowest number of listens. Click on the country to see a breakdown of how many listens you've had by city.

Exporting analytics

If you are migrating your account, or want to export your analytics for any reason, you can export this data from Omny using the 'Export CSV' button.

To export your lifetime account analytics, set the date range to 'Lifetime'.

Then export the data from each section you would like. This data will download as a standard .CSV spreadsheet file - compatible with spreadsheet applications like Excel and Google Sheets. Learn more here.

Consumption analytics

Omny Studio also tracks consumption analytics to show how much of each episode people have listened to, start-at and drop-off times, and where skipping has occurred. Click here for more information about consumption analytics

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